Archive for June, 2007


Flickeur, a work of Mario Klingemann that “randomly retrieves images from and creates an infinite film with a style that can vary between stream-of-consciousness, documentary or video clip. All the blends, motions, zooms or time leaps are completely random. Flickeur works like a looped magnetic tape where incoming images will merge with older materials and be influenced by the older recordings’ magnetic memory. The virtual tape will also play and record forward and backward to create another layer of randomness. This principle will create its own sometimes very suggestive or scary story. It might take a few minutes until the tape has accumulated enough material to not show any empty screens anymore.”
Others Mario`s works using flickr Tagnautica Clockr Islands Of Consciousness
Works done with Flashr, an ActionScript 2 wrapper for the Flickr API by Kelvin Luck.
More of Mario Kligemann at quasimondo or at incubator.



zooming and moving an HTML page while executing soundmaps.


Expanded Cinema

Expanded Cinema, a blog of João Ribas “is an online platform for experimental film, early video, and sound-based, durational work. All of the material is being curated from available media online, emphasizing an overlooked facet of the archival function of new media.”

Expanded Cinema.


You want really annoying crap?

From stallio a glitch video. Get more of Stallio at animalswithinanimals or, at flickr.


Sonicscope Quarterly

Sonicscope quarterly is a pdf mag for contemporary visual art that “presents visuals from multidisciplinary artists and it happens that mostly are also musicians and sound “hunters”. The magazine publishes ” works from artists who are not active within the music field but we are enhancing this specific “cross-over” not only because the magazine was born out of an experimental music label but because we are aware of the increasing number of artists who are spreading their talent through sound and visuals.”

The magazine is a concept of Nuno Moita with design of João Vicente and is published by Grain of Sound.


@c live in Barcelos

@c live in Barcelos (via nuno moita). An event promoted by zoom.



“.microsound is not a “genre” mailing list, since this proliferation has occurred largely without regard for stylistic boundary. instead, .microsound presents itself as a forum for the discussion and exploration of a more general “digital aesthetic” manifesting across a wide variety of styles and disciplines — from academic computer music to post-industrial noise to experimental ambient and post-techno.”



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Robotarium | Zoo for artifical life

The first zoo in the world for artificial life. By the artist Leonel Moura.

(Robotarium X) Detail.

Humanity Lobotomy | Save the Internet

For a net neutrality. Spread the word by copy the video and paste to a blog, bulletin, your profile or comment.
Go to four eyed monsters for more information.
